Terms & conditions for hosting students (work placement).

This agreement covers all agreed student placements in your company.


Your company agrees to:

  1. Assign tasks and responsibilities to the participants that align with their training objectives, enhancing their knowledge, skills, and competences. Ensure that appropriate equipment and support are readily available.

  2. Negotiate a customized training program for each participant.

  3. Designate a supervisor or mentor to monitor each participant's training progress and who will be available during the work experience period.

  4. Offer practical support if necessary, including providing a clear contact point for trainees facing difficulties.

  5. Deliver training for all assigned tasks.

  6. Maintain open communication with ADC College regarding any issues related to participants.

  7. Promote an understanding of the host country's culture and mentality.

  8. Authorize ADC College to confirm placement completion, tasks, and learning outcomes using project documents (e.g., Europasses, Learning Agreements, stamps, and signatures on your company's behalf, as required for managing the Erasmus+ project and student grants).

ADC College agrees to:

  1. Establish communication with the work placement provider to determine the student's background and the tasks to be performed during the work placement period, ensuring their relevance to the participant's chosen profile in terms of knowledge, skills, and competences.

  2. Provide accommodation and arrange travel logistics for each work placement participant.

  3. Share all relevant details regarding the work placement participant via email before the placement begins.

  4. Develop a Learning Agreement with the participant or sending organization to make the intended learning outcomes transparent for all parties involved.

  5. Establish clear communication channels for the duration of the placement period and inform participants about them.

  6. Coordinate a teacher visit (if necessary) with the work placement provider to monitor the student's performance during the placement.

  7. Continuously evaluate the progress of the placement and take necessary actions if required.

  8. Recognize learning outcomes that were not originally planned but were still achieved during the placement period.

  9. Provide the contact details of all parties involved and ensure that final arrangements are in place before participants depart from their home country.

Students agree to:

  1. Adhere to all the arrangements negotiated for the training placement and make their best effort to ensure the placement's success.

  2. Follow the rules and regulations of the host organization, adhere to the agreed working hours, comply with the code of conduct, and maintain confidentiality.

  3. Keep open communication with ADC College and the host organization, reporting any problems or changes related to the training placement.

Health & Safety


  • The workspace is in good working condition.

  • Where applicable, dangerous/sharp objects and materials are secured and properly stored.

  • Any recommended safeguards are used with equipment.

  • Protective clothing is used where recommended.

  • Where applicable, equipment such as step stools or equipment for heavy lifting is available.

  • Lighting and temperature are adequate.


  • Walkways are free of obstacles and slip/trip hazards.

  • All areas are appropriately signposted.

  • The entrance to the workplace is easily accessible.

  • Where applicable, lifts available and in good condition.

Fire prevention

  • Extinguishers are available, accessible and up to date.

  • Electrical elements are in good condition and regularly checked.

  • Fire extinguishers are clear of obstacles and signposted.

First aid

  • First aid kit is available.

  • Accident book is available.

  • Employer liability insurance

  • ADC encourages employers to take out employer liability insurance to protect against accidents in the workplace.

  • If you require students to take out insurance, please make us aware so that this insurance cover can be arranged before the internship starts.

  • ADC College will not be held responsible for any accident or damage arising from activities at the workplace under the supervision of your staff.

Health & safety training

  • Where applicable, you will provide adequate health and safety training during induction.